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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
Geometric Patterns and Planned Activities

Geometric Patterns and Planned Activities

A fun approach to pattern and shape where children have the opportunity to learn about geometric shapes, improve their memory and counting skills whilst fostering creativity. Page 1 is a planning sheet with 10 suggestions for using the geometric pattern cards. Activities include pattern recognition, matching games, creating new patterns, sorting, identifying shapes, sequencing and symmetry. There are then 16 geometric black and white pattern cards, with 2 per page. Use as worksheets, flashcards, for games, colouring, pencil control and inspiration for pattern making. Suitable for EYFS and KS1 children. Use as a lesson, unit of work or resource to dip in and out of.
Shoes and Socks to Colour and Match

Shoes and Socks to Colour and Match

This EYFS /KS1 resource helps children to develop colour and pattern recognition, matching skills, and creativity through a fun activity involving footwear. It includes coloured images and black-and-white outlines of socks, shoes, boots, and stockings. Children colour the black-and-white outlines to match the coloured images, then use blank templates to create their own designs. This activity enhances skills in art and design and matching while promoting self-expression and creativity. Materials needed are printed sheets of images and templates, and colouring tools. Extension activities like pattern creation, a fashion show, and story time could add further engagement.
Large, Medium and Small Sports Themed Pictures

Large, Medium and Small Sports Themed Pictures

This is a bright colourful way to teach KS1 children about size. Use along side any sports or PE equipment you have for a practical aspect to the lesson. There are 10 posters which can be used for discussion on different sports and sizes. Children can also cut up the images and sort into large, medium and small. Children can make size sets and / or different sports sets. Children can make their own posters using the computer or drawing / painting.
Ordering Cards  for EYFS and KS1

Ordering Cards for EYFS and KS1

10 sets of 3 Ordering Cards per slide to show on the Smart board and discuss or make into flashcards for children to sort, make into sets and order. There is a blank template included at the end.
Same Size or Different?  Power Point EYFS

Same Size or Different? Power Point EYFS

A 10 slide power point game for nursery / EYFS children learning about size / measures. Each slide shows 2 objects and children decide if they are the same size or different. The answer appears on the click of the switch.
50 Everyday Things to Sort EYFS / SEN

50 Everyday Things to Sort EYFS / SEN

Here are 50 practical ideas for your EYFS / KS1 or / and SEN pupils. These are all everyday things found in the home, school or garden. Each page shows 5 colour pictures with ideas for sorting. These pictures are good to cut out too and add to any jars or collections the children make. Arm yourself with sorting trays such as bun trays, jars, bags, egg boxes or draw inserts/cutlery trays. Children have a range of practical opportunities all around them for sorting in various ways including colour, shape, pattern, sets, texture, taste, smell and feel. ****Remember some items may be unsuitable for small children such as marbles, without careful supervision.
Colour Clothing Sets to Cut and Match EYFS

Colour Clothing Sets to Cut and Match EYFS

6 sets of clothing in 6 different colours. Each page has 6 cards to cut out - 1 colour per page. Children can make sets in different ways e.g. all the blue or brown or all the mittens, socks, hats etc. Some of the colours may be slightly different shades and children find the best match.
Shop Sorting Game and Worksheets EYFS KS1

Shop Sorting Game and Worksheets EYFS KS1

A colourful fun game for EYFS and KS1 and suitable too, for SEND. There are 8 shops to cut out - these come in a small size - 8 to a page and a large size - 2 to a page. There are 8 pictures of objects that match each shop to cut out e.g. 8 grocery items to match the grocery shop and 8 different kinds of books to match the book shop. Children work out which item can be purchased at which shop and make collections of pictures. There may be some duplications e.g. toothpaste can match with the grocery shop and the chemist. The game can be played in pairs or small groups or with 1 to 1 adult support. Lots of opportunities for discussion and speaking and listening. There are 3 worksheets for different abilities. Children write 4 items they can purchase at each shop. Children cut out and make pairs of items e.g. shoe shop and a pair of trainers. Children write the name of the shop or write a sentence about the shop and what you can buy there. Extend by adding prices to the items to have a shop corner or money game.
Bundle of Shopping Resources for EYFS / KS1

Bundle of Shopping Resources for EYFS / KS1

9 Resources
A collection of resources on to the theme of Shopping . There are 9 resources with a cross curricular link e.g to money, data handling, number, sorting, toys, food, list writing, labelling, maths gamse and comprehension. Something original here for all your children at different ability levels from early learners to KS1 and SEND children.
Transport to Draw and Sort EYFS and KS1

Transport to Draw and Sort EYFS and KS1

3 worksheets sorted into air, land and sea transport. Each sheet shows 6 colour types of transport and 6 boxes with their names in. Children read the words and draw the appropriate transport in each box. When all 3 sheets are completed, children can cut out the cards and sort them into Air, Land and Sea Transport. Children could work in groups of 3, so that each child has a different sheet to complete and then they can combine them to make a sorting game. Alternatively, children could paste a picture into the boxes. Links to maths sorting activities.
EYFS Find the Odd one Out Picture Sort

EYFS Find the Odd one Out Picture Sort

An observation game where children think, make choices and talk about their decisions. 5 colour pages each showing 5 rows of pictures. Children decide which one of the pictures on each row is the odd one out. e.g. 3 lion pictures and 1 tiger or more challenging such as 4 beds, 1 of which is a single bed. Children can verbalise why they have decided a picture is the odd one out. Use as boards or cut the pictures out and they can also be used for sorting games e.g. all the clothing, all the transport etc.
Find a Matching Pair of Clothing EYFS

Find a Matching Pair of Clothing EYFS

4 colour sheets showing 5 rows of clothing or accessories. Each row has 7 items e.g. 7 pairs of socks or 7 dresses. The idea is that the child finds which 2 are the same on each row. They can talk about similarities and differences or who wears which clothing and in what seasons. Use as 4 boards which you could laminate. Or, cut out individual cards which can then be sorted and the matching pairs of items located. Enlarge or keep as handy small picture cards.
EYFS Robots and Aliens Planned Activities

EYFS Robots and Aliens Planned Activities

This “Robots and Aliens” resource is designed for EYFS teachers looking to captivate their children’s imagination and creativity. Within this resource, teachers will find planned lessons, each with objectives, a list of needed resources, and step-by-step instructions to ensure a smooth teaching experience. The resource includes four lessons, each complemented by easy-to-use materials, including colouring sheets, cutting activities, and templates for creating drawing and writing. The activities introduce young learners to the world of robots and aliens but also aims to develop their fine motor skills, cognitive abilities, and creative thinking. Whether it’s through colouring, cutting, matching, or drawing, this resource promises a fun-filled learning adventure that children will enjoy.
Our Home Topic Resources EYFS / KS1

Our Home Topic Resources EYFS / KS1

A set of resources based on Homes and linked to Ourselves, Number to 8 and Writing /Labelling. Suitable for EYFS and KS1. Counting, Cutting and Ordering Children cut out the houses and position them in order from 1 to 8. There is a black and white version of this worksheet and a colour version. Children can also draw or glue houses on the number sheet showing boxes from 1 to 8. Labelling Furniture/ Rooms On this worksheet, children can name the items of furniture and label them. Alternatively, they can write the names of the rooms where the furniture can be found. There is a colour and a black and white version of the labelling sheet.
Ducks Counting and Matching Game EYFS KS1

Ducks Counting and Matching Game EYFS KS1

A fun game for young children that can be differentiated from counting and adding small numbers together to adding up to 36. There are different ways of using the resources. Activity 1 Share page 1 and work through together with the children so they understand the process. Then children can complete page 2 on their own, or in pairs. Here they say how many ducks they see on the ponds and add up the numbers using the colour duck key. Page 3 is a template so that the children can add their own colours to the duck key. Add their own ducks to the pond and then work out the answers to the questions. Activity 2 Page 4 is a set of colour duck cards. Duplicate these and cut them out to play matching games, snap, pairs and colour sorting. Page 5 is a pond for children to colour in and add ducks of their own. Page 6 are outline black and white ducks for the children to colour in how they want. They could cut these out and add them to the pond. Extend by making a class pond collage where all the children can add their own duck. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols.
Happy Holidays Game and Spinner EYFS / KS1

Happy Holidays Game and Spinner EYFS / KS1

A ready made Christmas Themed Board Game for children linked to counting to 18. The board has a path of squares leading to a finishing number 18. There are 2 ways of playing the game: Children take turns to roll a dice to move along the path. Or, incorporate the colour spinner with Christmas-themed pictures that dictate special moves or penalties, such as ‘move ahead two spaces’ or ‘miss a turn’. There is a blank template for children to use to make their own board game and spinner. For best results, print onto card, or children can paste onto card. The game board also makes a nice Christmas place mat when enlarged.
GHOSTS 5 Halloween Worksheets EYFS KS1

GHOSTS 5 Halloween Worksheets EYFS KS1

5 worksheets with a Ghost/Halloween theme and cross curricular. Children sort the ghosts looking for ones the same. They colour these in and count how many of each type. Ghosts to copy, colour, paint or cut out and use in your Halloween work/displays. A lined border template to write a story, poem or Halloween words. A border template, blank in the middle to write, draw or paste onto. Continue the pattern of ghosts sheet.
I Can Count Apples to 10

I Can Count Apples to 10

12 colour cards on 2 worksheets where children count the apples on the trees and write the numbers in the boxes. Use as 2 worksheets or cut out the cards, laminate and add to your number corner with dry markers.
Count to 12 with Golf Balls

Count to 12 with Golf Balls

A counting and matching card activity for children learning to recognise, read and order numbers and number words to 12. Cut out the cards and laminate for durability and practical activities.